Training Application

Training is about making the most out of each session (and sometimes it will be just about having a jol and eating loads while loving your environment).

I think that flexibility and being honest about how you are feeling on a regular basis will be the best indicator of the right path to take. As a coach, I will help you by planning your training programme to get the most out of each session and work towards your goals. I have kept my coaching clientele small and allowed it to grow organically as my own knowledge base grows as well as my intuition around others needs as we are all so different and our bodies respond to training in its own way.

Therefore, none of my programs will ever be a copy and paste version of another athletes training program.

If the personalised approach is what you are looking for, I have a few questions below for you to answer, please don’t feel any pressure. If you don’t have the time to answer questionnaire’s that’s cool too, just say to me “Jo, I just need to run, I don’t need to write out my life’s goals and vision for running”. There is no right, or wrong answer and every athlete is an individual. It is merely an effective way to getting to know you through a questionnaire.